What Is the Mode Horse Tack Basic Gear Skyrim UPDATED

What Is the Mode Horse Tack Basic Gear Skyrim

User-friendly Horses

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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim


v.0 (Classic)
7.0.1 (SE)



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Convenient Horses is a mod created for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim by the author mitchalek and adds a number of new features to the horses of Skyrim, all of which are activated, deactivated and changed via an in-game modern configuration page. It is very user-friendly.


  • 1 Features
    • 1.1 Followers' Horses
    • 1.2 Horse Armor
    • 1.3 Horse Charge
    • 1.iv Horse Call
    • 1.5 Horse Whistle
    • 1.6 Mounted Conversations, Annexation and Harvesting
    • i.vii Fast Dismounting
    • 1.viii Horse Inventory
    • 1.9 Horse Follow
    • 1.x Horse Gainsay Behavior
    • one.11 How to Unlock Saddles and Armor
    • 1.12 Field Hunter Quest (kill all animals while mounted)

Features [ ]

Followers' Horses [ ]

Followers can utilise horses besides. The Dragonborn does not have to acquire a horse for them, however, equally they volition summon their own horse. The horse will be named for instance "Lydia'southward horse", and cannot be ridden by anyone else simply the owner of that horse. The follower(s) will mount and dismount when the Dragonborn does. (PC: This characteristic is bachelor in the configuration menu, and is past default disabled.) The color of a follower'southward horse tin can be chosen each individually by talking to them, or they all can be set to a uniform color via the configuration menu (PC). The same can be applied for equus caballus armor. Horse types and armor that have been hand-picked through the dialogue options will remain the same throughout the entire game. Serana volition ride a skeletal equus caballus, until the Dawnguard questline has been completed. Only so she will gain the option for some other horse. Another feature is mounted gainsay for followers.

Horse Armor [ ]

The horse armor is purely corrective and does not add together any protection to the horse. The equipment of the Dragonborn'southward equus caballus can be configured through the menu, merely as well as the universal followers' horse armor. The horse armor individual for each follower can exist configured through dialogue options. Some of tack is already present in the vanilla game, though not interchangeable betwixt horses. These are:

  • Bareback
  • Nighttime Brotherhood saddle (Shadowmere's saddle)
  • Imperial saddle
  • Nordic saddle (which is the standard equipment for the horses that can be bought)

There are also saddles added that were originally standalone.

The saddles fabricated by Laup26 are:

  • Bard saddle
  • Big game hunter saddle
  • Dawnguard saddle
  • Hunter saddle
  • Knight saddle
  • Traveler saddle

The saddles made by Mystikhybrid - Gabriel Gullbergh are:

  • Daedric armor
  • Dragonbone armor
  • Dwemer armor
  • Ebony armor
  • Leather armor
  • Nordic armor

The armor made past Christian Paskota:

  • Elthrai armor
  • Sethai armor

Equus caballus Charge [ ]

It is possible, quite literally, to pounce on enemies, by sprinting during mounted combat and knocking over the target. This option can also be fully customized via the configuration menu.

Equus caballus Call [ ]

This feature requires purchasing the Horsecaller'due south horn. This can be done from whatever stable main. In one case this horn is in the inventory, information technology cannot be removed and a power is added. The Horse Call power will summon the Dragonborn's horse, fifty-fifty in Blackreach or on Solstheim (or Falskaar or Wyrmstooth). The horse notwithstanding cannot pass zoning points by itself, then if summoned in Dayspring canyon, it won't follow to anywhere exterior Dayspring Canyon anymore, unless information technology is summoned.

Horse Whistle [ ]

This is an alternate way of calling a horse, but will not summon the horse similar the horn does. This means that the horse uses standard behavior and does not pass zoning points. This may take quite some fourth dimension, and to speed up the process, it can be useful to wait an hour. It is available in the powers menu, and can be obtained through a side quest, which tin can also exist disabled.

Mounted Conversations, Looting and Harvesting [ ]

This feature works past scanning the nearby area for a target. When institute, the Dragonborn will initiate conversation with the other person. The same goes for looting dead bodies that are around the horse, but in that location is too an automated loot function for dead bodies, which opens up their inventory upon killing them. This feature can be changed through the configuration menu as well. The mounted harvesting of herbs works in a similar way.

Fast Dismounting [ ]

This adds a characteristic which allows a character to dismount their equus caballus much more quickly while drawing a weapon, and is very useful in combat.

Horse Inventory [ ]

The horses have an inventory likewise. It has no maximum limit, but that can be inverse in the configuration carte du jour as well. The optional maximum carry weight varies from 0 to 5,000. The accessibility of the equus caballus inventory can as well be changed. In that location are three options to this:

  • Standard: the horse sack can simply exist accessed when most the horse.
  • Remote: the horse sack can exist accessed from exterior, major cities, shops, guild halls, castles, inns and houses the Dragonborn owns.
  • Absolute: the horse sack tin can be accessed anywhere.

Horse Follow [ ]

The vanilla horses in Skyrim will stay put wherever they are left, normally, but now there is an option to have the horse follow. This selection tin can as well exist configured in the menu, and sets the horse to follow the Dragonborn. The horse tin as well be allowable non to follow. The smart follow selection stops the horse from post-obit the Dragonborn whenever they're crouching, or when they come inside the range of sure locations. At that place are besides three presets to the distance the horse volition maintain when following.

Horse Combat Beliefs [ ]

The horse's combat beliefs tin be configured in the menu. There are only ii options:

  • Cowardly: the horse will run away from all threats and will not e'er help anyone in combat.
  • Foolhardy: attacks enemies on sight, never flees from combat and helps allies.

In combination with the faction relations and the smart horse follow, these options tin have a different impact on the combat behavior of the horse.

How to Unlock Saddles and Armor [ ]

  • Bareback (available at start)
  • Nordic Saddle (available at starting time)
  • Majestic Saddle (bachelor at get-go)
  • Traveler Saddle (purchase during "Convenient Horses")
  • Hunter Saddle (consummate "Field Hunter", get-go past killing the fox while mounted)
  • Big Game Hunter Saddle (complete "Big Game Hunter", auto started after "Field Hunter")

===Faction Armor  ===

  • High Hrothgar Caparison (consummate "The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller")
  • Loftier Hrothgar Bannered Caparison (complete  "The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller")
  • Dark Brotherhood Saddle (consummate "With Friends Like These")
  • Bard Saddle (complete "Tending the Flames")
  • Dawnguard Barding (complete "A New Society")

===Concur Armor  ===

  • Dawnstar Caparison & Dawnstar Bannered Caparison (become Thane of the Pale)
  • Falkreath Caparison & Falkreath Bannered Caparison (become Thane of Falkreath Hold)
  • Markarth Caparison & Markarth Bannered Caparison (become Thane of the Reach)
  • Morthal Caparison & Morthal Bannered Caparison (become Thane of Hjaalmarch)
  • Riften Caparison & Riften Bannered Caparison(become Thane of the Rift)
  • Confinement Caparison & Confinement Bannered Caparison (become Thane of Haafingar)
  • Whiterun Caparison & Whiterun Bannered Caparison(become Thane of Whiterun)
  • Windhelm Caparison & Windhelm Bannered Caparison (get Thane of Eastmarch)
  • Winterhold Caparison & Winterhold Bannered Caparison (become Thane of Winterhold)

===Crafting  ===

  • Leather Barding (arts and crafts at forge)
  • Nordic Barding (craft at forge, requires Steel Smithing perk)
  • Dwarven Barding (arts and crafts at forge, requires Dwarven Smithing perk)
  • Steel Scale Barding (arts and crafts at forge, requires Advanced Armors perk)
  • Ebony Barding (arts and crafts at forge, requires Ebony Smithing perk)
  • Daedric Barding (craft at forge, requires Daedric Smithing perk)
  • Dragonbone Barding (craft at forge, requires Dragon Armor perk)

Field Hunter Quest (kill all animals while mounted) [ ]

Unlocks Hunter & Large Game Hunter Saddles

  • Showtime "Field Hunter" - Kill a play a trick on.
  • Step i - Impale 4 foxes.
  • Stride 2 - Kill 12 wolves.
  • Step 3 - Quest Complete.
  • Showtime "Large Game Hunter" - Motorcar start upon completion of "Field Hunter". (Possible issues: If the quest does not motorcar first after killing 12 wolves, sleep in a bed you own for at least half dozen hours and the quest should update).
  • Step 1 - Impale an Elk. (Note: Yous will demand to impale a "male person" elk, the 1 with the large rack of antlers).
  • Footstep 2 - Kill a Sabre Cat.
  • Step iii - Kill 2 Trolls (check s-east along the mountains near Valthume in the Reach for two trolls (needs conformation of regular spawn location); there is some other troll that spawns north-due east of Ivarstead in the Rift, follow the clay path out of Ivarstead north and down along the river).
  • Step 4 - Kill a Frost Troll.
  • Step five - Kill a Mammoth.
  • Pace half dozen - Kill a Dragon. (Bonestrewn Crest in the geyser field is a expert choice since you will take lots of room to maneuver your equus caballus).
  • Pace vii - Quest Consummate.


What Is the Mode Horse Tack Basic Gear Skyrim UPDATED

Posted by: wildabeltoomphent76.blogspot.com
